The worst skateboarding slams
I reassure you right away, it’s not because these worst skateboarding slams exist that you will necessarily reproduce them and get hurt. To avoid them as much as possible, always remember to evaluate your abilities and to progress progressively.
Not for the faint of heart!

The most painful slams:
Scorpion :
It’s one of the worst skateboarding slams… the upper part of the body (the bust) is blocked against the ground, and with the momentum of the fall, the legs go over the back. Thus reproducing a shape similar to that of the scorpion. An impressive fall which is cold in the back.
Sack :
This time a fall for rail enthusiasts, and therefore for skaters with a little more experience. There are different sizes of rails, and it’s easy to imagine what happens if the rail is higher than the crotch… Nut, like on a horse.
Credit card :
The classic move of the board falling vertically, and coming in between the legs or in the buttocks… In flat, it usually doesn’t do too much damage, but when it’s on a big gap with height and speed, then it’s a whole different story. One thing is certain, on this point we all prefer contactless payment!
Faceplant :
Really not pleasant, because it corresponds to a fall in the face. Surprised by the speed, or quickly unbalanced, it can happen that you don’t have time to place your hands before you hit your head! Watch out for the teeth, chin, nose and arch. One of the falls that is not unique to the skateboarding world…
Skateboard attack:
A bad landing and a foot slamming the tail or the nose a little too quickly, and sends the board up in the air. I think most of us have experienced this, seeing the board go by in slow motion in front of our eyes, hoping it doesn’t touch us. It’s rare that the board manages to hit, but it can happen… it’s hard to tell when it’s going to happen, but when you see the board being thrown towards you, try to put your hands quickly and move your head back.
The broken skateboard:
With the split bonus, not very cool for the adductor… It happens to break boards, and very often on gaps. Of course, there are different sizes of gaps… Take for example the 25 steps of Lyon, one of the biggest skate gap in the world and only tackled by Aaron Jaws Homoki for the moment. If we look at the tests of Ali Boulala, Jaws Homoki or AurĂ©lien Giraud, with the impact we can see that the board is broken by the power of the shock.
Speed wobbles :
Or when the skateboard starts to wobble… Maybe you’ve already experienced a speed wobble if you’re a downhill fan! When you reach a very high speed in skateboarding, and your weight is not well positioned or with an inappropriate equipment, your trucks will start to shake… few are those who manage to recover the situation! If you see that it’s too late, jump and try to catch yourself as best as you can before the board takes you straight to the ground.
The inevitable falls:
This one is certainly not the worst of skateboarding slams. Who remembers the famous scene at the beginning of the Lords of Dogtown movie where Jay Adams goes down a big downhill to finally be stopped by a powerful magic rock… So small but at the same time so deceitful, that it will stop even the best skateboarder, even Garett Hill…
When you land the trick on the side of the board (the slice). If this trick has a name when it is mastered (the first one invented by Rodney Mullen), it is much less funny when you don’t expect it. Not only can it hurt a lot under your feet, but it will also make you unbalanced and fall more easily. The primo can also be synonymous with a sprain, by putting your foot on the wrong place and at the wrong time… So as not to make you suffer another fall, I leave you Lucas Puig‘s controlled primo!
Bad landing:
Kind of like the slice, but this time with a flap on the right side of the board. How? Well, if you don’t have the weight correctly distributed on your board, the board will send you flying backwards or slide on the ground (especially on a very smooth surface).
Hang up :
From the English word “hang up”. As its name suggests, the rear truck of the board accidentally hangs up a coping, a curb, or even a sidewalk. This is unfortunately part of the learning process, when you don’t perfectly master the ollie, or when you hang up the coping from a ramp. The skateboard is immediately blocked and with the speed, you find yourself ejected forward over the board.
For these last types of falls, certainly they can be a little less painful, but you will inevitably go through them when you learn to skateboard, they are part of the progression. I repeat, these are the worst skateboarding slams, but that doesn’t mean you’re going to reproduce them, and I certainly don’t wish you to!